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As I Say, Not As I Do
I guess this is kind of like a confession. Forgive me, dear readers, for I have sinned.
10 hours ago3 min read

Well, It Happened
Financial markets go up. But they also go down, as we have been painfully reminded in 2022. Given what’s already occurred, I wanted to...
Oct 28, 20223 min read

It’s Always Uncertain
A couple of questions for you: When is the stock market going to recover? How high will interest rates go? When will inflation recede to...
Sep 13, 20222 min read

Using Wealth Ain’t Easy
A quick question for you: Would it be easier to spend money if you had plenty of it? It seems logical to think that would be the case....
Sep 9, 20223 min read

How to be Tax-Efficient When Taking Income In Retirement
Are you in retirement or wanting to retire soon? If so, this video is for you. In this video, we talk about how to be tax-efficient when...
Aug 12, 20221 min read

Scheduled Tax Rate Changes are Coming in 2026... Are You Being Proactive in Your Planning?
Did you know tax rates are scheduled to increase in 2026? That's right, in 2026 the income tax provision in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act...
Aug 10, 20221 min read

Long-term Tax Planning with Invisor
Being a financial planner is about much more than just investments. Often times our conversations revolve around taxes, estate, social...
Aug 5, 20221 min read

Trust Me, Trust is the Key
I pity investors. Especially those looking to start a new relationship with someone to advise them on their wealth. That’s tough. Any...
Jul 14, 20223 min read

How to Handle an Old 401(k)
If you are like many Americans, you probably have money parked in an old 401(k) plan. Perhaps you changed jobs and your 401(k) was left...
Jul 7, 20223 min read

Creating and Destroying Wealth
A capitalist system is a peculiar thing. No other economic system invented to date produces opportunities for creating as much wealth in...
Jun 30, 20223 min read

The Market Dropped – What to Do Now?
If you haven’t heard, the market is down. And when I say “market,” you can almost take your pick: stock market, bond market,...
Jun 23, 20223 min read

Breaking a Promise
In 1997, the U.S. Congress passed legislation that gave birth to a whole new kind of retirement account. They called it a Roth account....
Jun 16, 20223 min read

57% of Americans Paid No Federal Income Taxes – How?
In 2021, the percentage of Americans who paid no federal income tax increased to 57% in comparison to 44% pre-pandemic. Covid relief...
Jun 7, 20224 min read

How Maximizing Your Health Savings Account Could Save You Thousands In Retirement
If you have a high deductible health insurance plan, there is a valuable tool that can save you tens of thousands in retirement. You may...
May 20, 20223 min read

Disability Insurance: What it is & What You Should Know
Chances are that at some point in your life you or someone you know have had an accident that impacts their ability to work. Whether you...
May 12, 20223 min read

Worried About Double Taxation on Your Roth IRA?
Are you concerned the government may go back on its’ word and tax your Roth IRA? Watch this video to hear what Justin Lueger has to say...
May 6, 20221 min read

How the Secure Act 2.0 Can Affect the Majority of Retirement Savers
Do you have a workplace retirement plan? Do you have student loans? Give this video a watch and learn how the Secure Act 2.0 might affect...
May 2, 20221 min read

Are Big Changes Coming for Retirees? - Article
Recently the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Secure Act 2.0. The bill possessed wide bipartisan support by proposing some very...
Apr 22, 20223 min read

Are Big Changes Coming for Retirees? - Video
The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a bill that could affect many retirees and investors 50 and older. "The original Secure...
Apr 22, 20221 min read

When the Real Money Is Made
In my last column, I laid out a simple process for building wealth. It looks like this: 1. Make money. 2. Spend less than you...
Feb 20, 20223 min read
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